On Friday December 9, 2011, Zoology classes at RB were visited by herpetologist Jaime McInerny. A herpetologist is someone who studies amphibians but can also study other species of animals as well. On his visit to RB, McInerny brought along live examples of different species of amphibians, some of which were highly endangered.
Among the animals McInerny brought, was an endangered species of frog from Borneo, recently discovered, which mocked or mimicked other frogs with which it lived in the wild. Another animal McInerny brought was a Lebanese Tortoise named Romal. Romal once broke a woman’s ankle by charging at her. McInerny also brought an alligator snapping turtle. This type of snapping turtle is on the verge of extinction, and is said to have been alive at the same time that dinosaurs were around. An alligator snapping turtle can stay under water for two months without coming up for air. McInerny also brought along a Haitian Rhino Iguana. This iguana is from Haiti and snares its prey by running and knocking out the prey with the crown of its head at a speed of forty miles per hour. Also endangered, the Haitian Rhino Iguana has teeth like a shark and raptor claws.
This is McInerny’s ninth year visiting RB with his endangered animals. Each year, he brings different animals and the teachers that teach zoology don’t know what he’s bringing so everything is just a surprise. This is a unique experience for the students in zoology because they get to see endangered animals that aren’t really well known to many people.