The world without field trips? More like the world without education. Field trips make learning fun and easy to comprehend. They also help students learn in an enjoyable and interactive way, but here at Riverside Brookfield High School, we are wondering: what ever happened to field trips?
Some of the best memories from middle school were the fun field trips: the everlasting memories, engaging education, and the riveting intellect. Once in high school, however, many students have realized that the field trips have died down. This can be jeopardizing to a student’s education.
Many students from Riverside Brookfield High School believe field trips can be beneficial to their learning experience.
“I think field trips can make things easier to understand especially because you can get good visuals,” said sophomore Kayla Fitzgerald.
Some students even say field trips help with things other than education.
“It lets me relieve stress from school and the hard work we do while in school,” said sophomore Julian Hernandez.
While in the classroom, many students do not participate. When students are introduced to a new setting while on field trips, they are able to participate and do more than they usually would in the classroom.
“Field trips make learning fun and then more people participate,” said sophomore Hahvon Jacobs.
“Yes I think field trips are beneficial because it gives you a break from standard everyday education and allows you to learn in a whole new way,” said sophomore Joe Donovan.
Students are able to create many memories at field trips and remember the trip for a long time.
“My favorite field trip was in 8th grade when we went to the Bradford Woods. We did team building activities at this big camp. It was fun,” said sophomore Joseph Shelven.
Teachers also agree that field trips are a great way to transform learning into a fun experience.
“I enjoyed field trips as a student and still enjoy them today as a teacher. It is nice to have a change of pace once in awhile, and if it is done right, I find them engaging for most students, and educational. It is a way to expand on the curriculum and relate a specific topic to the students,” said Mark Ori, a teacher at RB.
“I think field trips can be educational because it makes students more interested because we are actually doing something instead of sitting in a classroom. It changes things up and students need that,” said junior Pablo Hernandez.
There are many benefits to having field trips. It gives students educational experiences away from the classroom environment. Students are able to see education from a new perspective and learn how to incorporate learning outside of the classroom. Opponents, however, feel that finance is the issue.
”I do not think we should have more field trips. I think the way it is set up now is the right approach. The school only has so much money in the budget to allocate toward field trips,” said Ori.
Money may be an issue but there are solutions to that. The classes can fundraise to earn money. The fundraising would also be teaching them customer service skills, goal-setting, teamwork, confidence, and gratitude. Field trips, as well as fundraising, teach kids valuable life lessons.
Field trips are fun, enjoyable experiences for all ages to learn from. Students enhance their wisdom by getting involved in the field trip.
We urge you to agree with us that there should be more field trips at Riverside Brookfield High School. The result would be a more structured learning experience for the upcoming generations.