Casey Jones
Wednesday, November 20 was Riverside Brookfield High School’s annual Pack the Place event. Pack the Place occurs once a year to support the Special Olympics team and this year it happened to land on their first game of the season.
“Our game on Monday was cancelled so I’m a little nervous,” said junior Joe McKelvin. “There’s going to be a lot of people there to see us play.”
This is McKelvin’s third year playing on the team and his second season with one of his best friends, sophomore Biana Baez.
“I’m excited for all the friends. Amanda [my buddy] will be there,” Baez said.
This is the second season of coaching for Danielle Delzotti and Kathleen Lojas, both special education teachers. They run everything behind the scenes from getting custom uniforms to coaching the team twice a week.
“Mrs. Delzotti talks to us about not being nervous and supports us,” said McKelvin. “Mrs. Lojas helps us with passing the ball, knowing where we are, and playing defense so nobody else shoots the ball.”
Many students find Pack the Place an opportunity to connect with the special education students that they do not see on a day to day basis. Best Buddies supported the team by doing a bundt cake raffle and t-shirt sales to increase attendance.
The game was advertised on the morning and afternoon announcements as well as the student created Instagram page, @rbdogpound. Many of the student volunteers and members of Best Buddies posted it on their personal social media accounts encouraging their peers to attend the game.
Throughout the crowds, there were many posters made to support the players from both Best Buddies and friends and family. Signs with every player’s face on them were also created for the student section to hold up.
The game ended with a score of 30-10, a fantastic victory for the Bulldogs against the LT Lions, with transition student, Pete Jurcich scoring just after the buzzer went off.
The team’s next and final home game is Monday, December 2 at 6:00 p.m.