Senior Goodbye: William Voorhees

May 22, 2014

Senior Goodbye:  William Voorhees

Time flies when you’re having fun, right folks?  For me, almost nothing has flown by as fast as my time on the Clarion Staff.  It’s pretty surreal that this is not just my last year on the Clarion, but also my last year at Riverside Brookfield High School.  I feel like it was only yesterday when I joined RB’s newspaper as an inexperienced staff reporter.  Three years have passed since then, bringing with them a healthy dose of experience, a solidified focus, and the role of Arts & Entertainment Editor.

Over the years, I’ve performed a variety of different tasks for this very newspaper.  Though writing A&E centric stories is my forte, I have also contributed a plethora of media to the Clarion.  While not all of my content has been (or could have been) used on our website, I’ve recorded a few hours of video and captured thousands of photos with each one being its own learning experience.  Taking that into consideration, I have spent countless hours editing hundreds of the photos on the Clarion.

I don’t want to ramble on about myself, but I guess this is my personal goodbye.  Up until now, I haven’t really absorbed the fact that this is my last year in high school.  People who know me can affirm that I’m a rather quiet person, unless a conversation regarding one of my passions arises.  Though I am passionate about my work on the Clarion, I can’t quite find the words that I want to express myself with.  Is this a heartfelt speech about how the Clarion has impacted me over the years?  Is it a bittersweet goodbye, moving on to greener pastures while looking back over my shoulder?  Can it be both?

I’ve had a lot of fun over the years, but I couldn’t have had it without the people who have supported me the past four years.  With that in mind, I would just like to say a few thank yous.

Thank you to my family, the reason I am here today.  You gave me assisstance when I needed it most.

Thank you to my friends, a diverse group of lovable goofballs who are each special to me in their own unique ways.  I wish all of you well in your future endeavors.

Thank you to my teachers, the mentors who helped to shape me as a student.  Your lessons not only ushered me into academia, but also gave me different perspectives on life.

Thank you to everyone who has worked beside me on the Clarion.  You have given me the honor of working with some of the most outstanding student journalists in the world.

Last, but not least, thank you (yes, you).  I thank you, humble readers of the Clarion, because without you, we wouldn’t be at this stage in the game.

With that, I would like to bid you all adieu.

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