Colleen Meade
Colleen Meade
Colleen Meade started basketball when she came to RB and she has loved it ever since. From actually playing to simply goofing off and dancing around the court, Meade is alway making the best out of all situations. Senior McKenna Doyle has gotten very close with Meade this season.
“She is so sassy. She doesn’t walk or run around the court. She struts,” said Doyle. “She loves playing with everyone and dancing around the court.”
Meade, like the rest of the team, is beyond excited to get the chance to make it to state. With the help of her whole team and all her coaches, she describes the season as “amazing.”
“My favorite part was being with all my friends,” said Meade.
Of course there are some hard parts of the game, with the help of Meade’s best friends Jake Garvey, Marissa Bloodgood and McKenna Doyle, this season has been successful for Meade.
“They help me with passing and shooting,” said Meade.
Since Meade is only a junior, she plans on being in the Special Olympics next year.
“Oh, yes. I am excited for the Special Olympics next year as a senior,” said Meade.