Day #8: Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Finding a purpose to all of this craziness

March 25, 2020

When it was first announced that school was going to be closed for a while, I was really upset and I wasn’t sure what I would even do during the day if I wasn’t at school or out somewhere. Once I had thought about it though, I decided that it was probably good that I was given the chance to have time to myself and with my family. 

For the past week or so, I’ve been at home making lists in my head of what I can do while I have been home. Besides binge-watching some TV shows, I’ve just been trying to keep myself busy by writing or picking up some extra shifts at my job.

I think I already started and finished at least three different shows within the past week and a half. That takes up a couple of hours out of my day, and imagine that every day since school has been out. I realized how bad it was when my sleeping schedule started to change drastically. I needed to take a break, so I decided that I should start writing, drawing, reading, or anything that could help me not look at my phone or computer screen. 

I started off with simple things to start with like writing down what I dreamt, or how my days were either in my phone or written in a notebook. I also was reading more news off of Twitter, but I only have really picked up one book to read and I still have gotten past the first few chapters because I always end up falling asleep. I failed at not using my phone as much, but I was becoming dependent on it. 

All of this free time has gotten me up 11% of my screen time from weeks before. I ended up making restrictions for myself because I can’t always be looking at a screen. Some of my family members and even a few friends told me that it would be a good idea to take a break from social media because of how much it can affect a person. 

For a person that uses social media a lot, I would even say that it isn’t worth having. I was able to get things done, and have more time to be with my siblings. 

Being in quarantine still hasn’t changed my work schedule. Being able to go to work has really been the only thing I am “allowed” to do, and it’s been the most exhausting thing, apart from cleaning my house every day. However, I am so happy to see my coworkers because they are the few people that I get to see while we are under quarantine. 

Things are becoming different in my daily life, and not only does it make me realize how much I took certain things for granted, but it’s helping me have gratitude for the things I have now. 

People should be aware of the sacrifices that are made or are making during this time, because I have a strong feeling that they would be for a bigger purpose than people might see it as. 

I am taking this time to really work on myself. I want to continue doing the things that are beneficial to me mentally and physically, as well as doing things that keep me smiling.

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