In Conclusion
So my final record sits at 21 wins and 26 losses, maybe not the best performance but I’ll say I’m proud of my performance. In writing this article I very well may have overestimated my ability to beat up fully grown men, I’ll admit that, but I don’t think I made any predictions lacking in reason. I’d also like to clarify that I hold no wishes for violence on or towards any President, be it from myself or others. I hope you learned a thing or two and got a few laughs from this article. Now that I’m done it is your turn, no, you’re duty to ask yourself, “which Presidents could I beat in a fight?”
In Conclusion
So my final record sits at 21 wins and 26 losses, maybe not the best performance but I’ll say I’m proud of my performance. In writing this article I very well may have overestimated my ability to beat up fully grown men, I’ll admit that, but I don’t think I made any predictions lacking in reason. I’d also like to clarify that I hold no wishes for violence on or towards any President, be it from myself or others. I hope you learned a thing or two and got a few laughs from this article. Now that I’m done it is your turn, no, you’re duty to ask yourself, “which Presidents could I beat in a fight?”