
Lexi Soto

Student athletic trainers in action during a RB home football game.

Nate Navarro, Staff Reporter

During sports seasons, there are usually trainers at every high school and higher level sport. The trainers are there to help in case of an emergency or injury. Student trainers here at RBHS are volunteers who give up their own time after school to help others who need to get better. These students are supervised and taught by 2 athletic trainers

“There is not a class. All you have to show is a interest in wanting to do this. It’s a club,” said William Frey, the leader for the trainers club. These students go after school to the athletic trainers rooms and help the athletic trainers.

Frey said that when the student trainers work depends on the people he has ‘on staff’, per say. If he has less student athletic trainers, they  will work more and for longer periods of time.

Frey continued to say that the student trainers can cover any sport season they can and whatever time they can give. The student trainers get more personalized schedules that will fit their [injures we see] needs.

“Obviously spinal injuries, head trauma, really severe broken bones, rank among the top. As well as some very, very severe heat injures where students almost went into full blown heatstroke,” said Frey.