Time for some Spring greening

YES! It’s that exciting moment we’ve all been waiting for: Spring has sprung! I don’t know about you, but everything looks so vibrant and alive outside. In my opinion, staying “green” is much easier when everything is green outside. The weather is nice, and we spend more time outside, and run or walk or ride our bikes instead of driving. There are a few easy ways you can stay green in the spring, and a few projects you can start in your home that will help out your budget and your environment.

Consider some changes outdoors, on your lawn & garden. Do you use a lawn strimmer? If you have one that is gasoline powered, consider getting an electric mower or a rotary mower instead. Not only will it save you money on the extra gas, but it will stop you from emitting pollutants into the air when you mow. As an added bonus, electric mowers are quieter and easier to push than gas mowers. An example of a great electric mower can be found here..

Another green option for spring is keeping a vegetable garden. Growing some of your own food is a great way to save money, and when it comes from your own garden you can know that there are no pesticides on the plants, and no other artificial growing methods have been applied to them. Great seeds to pick up from the local hardware store or nursery include cucumbers, tomatoes, green beans, chives or green onions, and green or red peppers. If you’re interested in making a garden, check out this backyard gardener website.

For garden fertilizer, try using a compost heap. Compost is a mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients. Basically it means taking the organic food scraps from your kitchen (banana, cucumber, or potato peels, stale bread, tea leaves, eggshells, coffee grounds, ect.) and putting them in a composting container so that they naturally break down and turn into nutrient-rich soil. This soil works great in any home garden. For more tips on composting, visit earthEasy.com.

Spring is a great time to get green. Whether it’s working in the yard, making changes to your routine, or simply riding your bike instead of taking the car, living the green way is easy and fun. This spring, make time to make a difference in the environment.