Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Staff Profile

Meet the newest Bulldogs: Brett Littlehale, Nick Gehl, and Mark Schaedel

Questions asked to all interviewees:

1. What is your background?

2. Why did you choose to come to RB?

3. What has been your favorite part about being a Bulldog so far?

4. What has it been like working in a newly renovated building?

Brett Littlehale, Guidance Counselor

1. “Before coming to RB, I was a guidance counselor at Willowbrook high school for two years.”

2. “I saw the job opening at RB and knew it was a great opportunity. I had some family members a while back that went here, and I knew that I would have great resources and support.”

3. “My favorite part about being at RB has been that the community has been so welcoming to me, both students and staff. I’ve had the opportunity to coach football as well, and everyone has been incredibly welcoming to me.”

4. “The building is awesome and provides great facilities for students and staff. I was used to construction from my previous high school, which was also undergoing renovation, and it’s great to be able to use the finished product.”

Mark Schaedel, APES, Honors Physics

1. “I went to school at the University of Illinois, and had the opportunity to teach a section of Chem 101 there, both the lab and discussion.”

2. “RB is a great school with a great community, and I’ve been impressed with the student’s involvement in that community.”

3. “The best part has been how great the students and staff have been to me. The staff has been incredibly supportive, especially in the Science department.” 

4. “The new building is wonderful to work in. I’ve had the opportunity to have a brand new classroom that has space for everything I could ask for. The brand new facilities provide for greater opportunities for students.”

Nick Gehl, Fine Arts Department Char

1. “I was an art teacher and the assistant department chair at Waubonise Valley High school.”

2. “I saw the job opportunity to be a department chair, and I had known a little about the school from Mr. Grice. I was attracted to the school size and the number of opportunities available to students.”

3. “The best part for me has been working with the staff and getting to know the students. RB has a great atmosphere that is comfortable to work in, and lets the students focus on academics and developing the skills necessary to contribute to society.”

4. “The new building is amazing. We have everything we could ask for, and it helps to maximize the opportunities for students here in the building.”

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  • D

    down the hallSep 21, 2010 at 9:59 am

    You guys missed a new staff member! Lame!

    Editor’s Note:
    Clarion attempted to feature the three full-time staff members who were entirely new to the building this year. We will be happy to correct our mistake if you let us know who we missed.