Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


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Che'mari Kent
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Looking back at Chess Club’s trip to State (updated)

Senior Ralph Ruiz practices at Chess Club, in love with the game.  Ruiz recently made the trip to State with his team members.
Candice Shelbrack
Senior Ralph Ruiz practices at Chess Club, in love with the game. Ruiz recently made the trip to State with his team members.

Nervous energy pulsed through senior Ralph Ruiz’ veins. Looking up at his opponent, he felt his mind failing, yet suddenly a light bulb went off and the words “checkmate” were pronounced.

“Throughout all of state, I felt nervous. No matter what easy schools, nervous. There was always a chance to lose. And the tough schools, I was extremely nervous,” he said.

This year, Chess Club participated at the State competition. RB’s team placed  24 out of 135 teams. The competition took place in Peoria from February 8 to 9 with over 1500 students participating in the event including teams from all across Illinois.

Ruiz placed 4 out of 141 competitors on Board 5 at the tournament.

Junior Alex Buffo said, “I thought I played pretty well. The only time I lost was because my opponent was truly better.”

Buffo individually also placed 24 out of 135 in his first time ever going to State. Buffo will also become the captain of next year’s team.

Sophomore Joe Tan placed 28 out of approximately 180 students on board eight.  Unlike some of his teammates, Tan is not sad to see the seniors leave.

“It’s time for them to graduate,” he said.

After State, Tan was very hard on himself, noting that he felt upset and even very angry.  In contrast, many of his teammates noted that they were appreciative just to get the opportunity to be on the team.

Ruiz, for whom State was his last competition, said, “It was a lot of fun. I was just happy that I was on the team, because I saw all the fun they had going to Peoria, the bus ride down. It is exhilarating.”

Lukas Kulbis, class of 2016, won five out of the seven games he played. He finished 23rd out 178.

Chris Detloff also placed well. Getting 16th out of around 200 others. He was on board number eight. He felt satisfied with how he played.

“Only when I was going against a really good team,was I nervous.”

“We typically don’t give up, even if it looks hopeless, we stick to what we believe, we can and can’t do, and we follow through, and that is how most of our chess season has gone. We stuck in there and made sure we didn’t look disappointed.” said Ralph Ruiz, class of 2013.

Sponsor’s Note:
A correction was added to this article to reflect how Ralph Ruiz did at the State tournament. D. Mancoff

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McKenna Powers
McKenna Powers, Editor-in-Chief
McKenna Powers isn't just a regular fourth year reporter for the Clarion, she's also a behind the scenes spy. Powers captures all of the news, right as it happens, and is able to bring back every single detail back to Clarion, at lightning speed. No one sees her while she's collecting the news, yet she always gets it. How does she do it? The world may never know... A Senior at Riverside Brookfield High School, Powers plays two sports, including tennis and soccer. She is also involved in National Honors Society and Fishing Club. This year in Clarion, Powers is the Co- Editor in Chief, along with Niko Radicanin. Powers is very excited for another exciting, last year with Clarion! McKenna Powers can be reached at [email protected]
Alexia Kingzette
Alexia Kingzette, Story Editor
Alexia Kingzette may have disappeared from Clarion for the past year and a half but that's just because she's been busy breaking world news. Recently returning back to Riverside Brookfield High School after exploring the world, she is now fluent in three languages, has met ambassadors from four different nations, and been so jet lagged she’s slept an entire twenty-four hours. In the past year she has written stories that tae place in Alaska to Australia, Honolulu to Madrid.k In reality, Alexia is a senior story editor returning to Clarion after having missed a year due to schedule conflicts. The past year off has made her a better writer and she’s thrilled to be an editor so she can have a bigger role for the paper. She’s now ready to report about anything and everything. When she’s not busy writing stories for Clarion she’s got her head in a book, doing gymnastics, playing badminton, or serving at a retirement home. You can reach her at [email protected]
Candice Shelbrack
Candice Shelbrack, Media Editor
Candice Shelbrack is a returning staff reporter for the Clarion. She is known for her outstanding ability to outwit any writer of her time. It has been said that in just one breath, she can write an award-winning story of a thousand words. People idolize her to such an extent that they believe they are unworthy of her presence. An addition, Shelbrack enjoys playing sports such as tennis, volleyball, and soccer. She is active in the arts, which include photography, drawing and painting. Candice Shelbrack can be reached by e-mail [email protected].

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