In the eyes of a freshman
SEE Teamer Natasha Petrenko talks about arriving at RB

October 29, 2013
Everybody has their own experiences of freshman year. Not every person has the chance nor necessarily wants to share them. Everybody wonders similar things. We wonder if others got lost like we did on the first day. Or we ask how other students prepared themselves. Freshman Natasha Petrenko, now one quarter into her high school career, shared her early experiences at RB.
Before Petrenko’s first day, she had heard RB was a good school and was full of nice people. To prepare for her first day she made sure her backpack, outfit, lunch, and her ride were all ready for the first day. Petrenko described her first day using only one word: scary.
“I was so lost,” Petrenko said.
Petrenko really enjoys high school because of all the opportunities it presents. She originally went to Komarek and leaving was a little difficult.
“Sometimes I miss my old school,” she said.
She explained that high school is really different from middle school because there are so many people and she learns a lot more. Also, she mentioned that the teachers give them more freedoms and treat them like adults.
Petrenko decided to join SEE Team as well. SEE Team is a program only offered to freshman. All of the core classes are based on the environment and environmental issues. She decided to join because her old teachers told her it was fun and she should consider joining. Before that she really just heard it was a program about the environment.
“I really enjoy it, I like all the field trips because it is nice to get out of the classroom,” she said.
Her least favorite part is that she is with the same people in all her classes, but overall she is glad she decided to join.
Petrenko loves high school overall. Since her first day she is no longer afraid of getting lost and loves all the opportunities RB possesses. She can’t wait for her upcoming years at RB as well.
“I’m looking forward to making new friends and joining sports and clubs,” she said.