On Wednesday October 28th, the Madrigal singers performed at Edward Hines Jr. Hospital in Maywood. This Hospital is a branch of the Loyola University Health System that services veterans. The lunch time series took place around noon and although it lasted for only 30 minutes, the performance meant a lot to the workers, patients, and veterans staying at the hospital.
The group performed in the hospital’s chapel for a small live audience, while hundreds of patients watched the performance live from the televisions in their rooms. The event was televised throughout the hospital and made available for everyone who wanted to watch it.
This was the Madrigal’s second time performing at Hines Hospital and the singers came well prepared.
“We learned all of our own music during class and practiced outside of school,” said senior and Madrigal singer Stephanie Duve, “It was our first performance of the year and it went really well.”
The group performed its entire fall repertoire, which includes “Danny Boy”, “Good Day to Your Heart”, “Sing We and Chant It” and an encore performance of the Armed Forces song.
“It was cool to be able to perform the Armed Forces Song,” Duve said, “It had a huge impact on the veterans.”
The performance was looked forward to by all of the patients and workers at the hospital.
“A doctor and pastor at the hospital told us that people were so excited we were there,” said Duve.
The songs performed at the hospital were added to the group’s selection and many of the pieces will be performed again for future concerts.
The group’s first performance was successful and rewarding not only for the patients and veterans at Hines, but for the RB Madrigals as well.
“Music is a form of expression and it’s a universal symbol,” Duve said, “It’s something that brings people together.”