As the male football players continue their season, the females were close to not having Powder Puff this year. Part of this had to do with the referendum last year.
“The Student Association cannot sponsor this event with so many other responsibilities involving homecoming and only having one sponsor,” said Sponsor Angela Ziola.
Ziola is the Student Association sponsor and has been a part of S.A for a long time. She recently lost her assistant, Social Studies teacher John Fields.
“I lost my assistant sponsor for S.A, so some S.A sponsored events must be cut,” said Ziola.
The Powder Puff game is still going to be offered as a fundraiser this year, thanks to National Honors Society, still run by Math teacher Lindsey Mynaugh. “The girls are participating by paying for their own shirts. All the other supplies are being borrowed by the athletic department and the staff is full of volunteers,” said Ziola.
The game is Tuesday, October 11th at 7pm on the RB football field. There will be a $2 fee to get in and all money will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House as a charity event.