Although it took until my senior year to be a part of Clarion, this one year on the staff has been awesome. Writing this senior goodbye is making the end of my high school career become all too real. With graduation right around the corner, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on what I’m leaving behind.
Here at RB, I’ve felt lucky enough to feel like I can become a part of anything. We have such an accepting atmosphere. Taking a look at the teachers I’ve had, the friends I’ve made and the programs I’ve been a part of; I’m thankful they have let me be whoever I want to be. It was nice to know that everyone I’ve crossed paths with through the years; whether it was administration, students, or my friends, they have all had my best interest no matter what the case was. Also, I would really like to thank Mr. Mancoff for recognizing my interest in writing and pushing me into taking up Clarion. I’ve honestly loved it and all the different experiences that came with it.
I have met some pretty fantastic people over the past four years as well, ones I couldn’t forget no matter how hard I tried. Those are the kind of people that by the end of these four years just end up feeling like family. My advice: find those people and keep them close. They keep you on your feet and everyone needs those people in their life. Everyone .I could back and tell you everything I loved about high school, but I have a graduation to get ready for and we don’t have that long. Shouts go out to everyone who helped me make it through my four years here. I love you all, so long RB!