Now is the time to apply to the Riverside Brookfield Education Foundation (RBEF) for grants. Grant applications are due April 26, a week from this Friday. For those interested in getting a head start on paying for college or who need help funding activities in which they are involved, the RBEF is the place to go.
At RB’s annual Telethon, hosted on RBTV, the RBEF raised approximately $21,000. All of this money is meant to be given via grants to students and teachers who need financial assistance.
“All the money that is raised is given to teachers and students,” said counselor and RBEF member Jim Franko.
Interest applicants can visit the RBEF web site or contact Franko, a member of the RBEF board, at or by stopping by to talk to him in Student Services. Franko noted that application numbers have been light this year, which he attributes to potential applicants not knowing about the grants.
“If people knew money was available they would take advantage of it,” said Franko.
Franko himself has applied for grants through the RBEF in the past, which is how he became involved with the foundation initially.
The RBEF has awarded grants in many areas incluuding such events as dance workshops, music programs and trips, yearbook and newspaper camps, applied arts conferences even foreign language seminars.