Note-taking: writing versus typing

Emilia Gonzalez, Staff Reporter

Since 2015, incoming students have had Chromebook laptops at RBHS. As in most schools, notes are taken in nearly every class throughout the year. However, every student has a preference when it comes to taking notes in class.

A survey was conducted at RB this year among 70 freshman students. The survey showed unexpected results between the two methods: handwriting on paper, versus typing on the Chromebook. According to the survey results, out of 70 students, 46% prefer typing their notes.

“I can type faster than I can write without getting cramps,” said freshman survey respondent, Keegan Brown. “Typing my notes helps me learn the information better because I have less of a chance of losing my notes. If I write them, I risk it being lost in the deep abyss– my backpack.”

Meanwhile, 54% of the students said they preferred the traditional method: handwriting.

“I prefer handwriting notes because it helps me memorize the notes better. When I write something down it helps me remember the notes easier,” said Victoria Curelo, another freshman student who was surveyed.

Interestingly, out of the 46% of students that prefer typing their notes, 7% said that even though they prefer typing their notes, handwriting their notes on paper helps them learn better.

“I prefer typing my notes because I can type faster and categorize them in Google Drive. It is also easier to read my own notes, as mine can tend to get a bit messy and off-track,” said freshman survey respondent, Vanessa Montoya.

When asked to share which note-taking method she finds more effective, Montoya admitted that it was not her preferred method, but instead, handwriting.

“However, writing my notes helps me memorize the information better. I can remember what we talked about in class if I write it down instead of typing it,” said Montoya.

Although the survey results were not statistically significant, the survey results showed that handwriting notes is as relevant as typing notes today. Regardless of which method is used, note-taking is still helpful to students.

“When I find out we’re taking notes in class, I think ‘oh my gosh, more notes,’ but I know it will pay off in the end,” said Victoria Curelo.