Wrestling team takes on state

Courtesy of @rbhs_wrestling

Senior Chris Colvin taking first place on podium

Sydney Sandrick, Staff Reporter

The Riverside Brookfield Wrestling team had five qualifiers who were recently sent off to state. On February 24 Joey Swallow: 160 lbs, Josh Contreras: 120 lbs, Joey Giurini: 126 lbs, Chris Colvin: 220 lbs, and Julian Blanco: 145 lbs went off to state.

According to senior Josh Contreras he did not end with the results he wanted.

“I started off slow at state, I didn’t wrestle my best the first day but as the days went on I got moving more and more and wrestled well,” said senior Josh Contreras.

This was Contreras second time attending the state competition. Contreras competed at state his sophomore year in high school. Contreras plans wrestling career at either the University of Illinois or Eastern Michigan University.

At the sectional competition there were twelve competitors from four different regions senior Joey Swallow stated that making it to state was his toughest accomplishment. Swallow had made it through his first round his first year at state. He is also is planning on wrestling in college but does not know where yet.

“Making it through as many guys as their were at sectionals was the hardest part about getting to state,” said Swallow.

Senior Julian Blanco had done well at state and is happy to have attended. This was Blanco’s second time competing at state. He also competed at his sophomore year at state.

“Making weight and having to cut down on food to make weight for matches was pretty challenging,” said Blanco.

Senior Chris Colvin won one match while competing at state. This was Colvin’s first year going to state and was excited about being able to be with his friends and compete for his first time at state.

“I had struggled with my sectional finals match which was the toughest part to get to state,” said Colvin.