Spring break to a whole new location
May 1, 2017
Spring break is a time for many students to relax and take a break from school. Some students spend the entire break in their beds while others fly off to extravagant locations. This past spring break, the map of locations traveled to extended across the globe. Ten sophomores were randomly selected to talk about their experiences and how they would rate their vacation on a five star scale. miraculously, all their vacations were worthy of a five-star rating.
San Pedro, Belize
Halley Jepson (2019)
Rating: 5 stars
Sophomore Halley Jepson flew out to San Pedro, Belize over the past spring break. While she usually travel somewhere new every break, her family chose Belize because their family friends continuously go there for diving and snorkeling. Jepson went with both her parents. They stayed seven days and eight nights. Within that week, they went snorkeling in the coral reef, line-fishing, took a day trip to the Mayan ruins in Belize city, and even had time to relax on the beach.
“My favorite part was snorkeling because it gave me insight on the marine life and allowed me to get up close to sharks and the exotic fish,” said Jepson.
Jepson rated this place five out-of five stars. She said she would go back when she is older, preferably with a few friends. Jepson enjoyed everything about this trip other than the sunburn.
Isla Mujeres, Cancun Mexico
Leigh Barlow (2019)
Rating: 5 stars
This spring break RB sophomore Leigh Barlow packed up her bags and headed out to Isla Mujeres in Cancun Mexico for a five day getaway. Some of Barlow’s family owns a restaurant in Cancun so the family decided it was time for a visit.
Vacation activities included snorkeling, zip-lining over the ocean, and relaxing on beautiful beaches. Barlow stated that everywhere you turned there was a beautiful view. Even on the plane ride over she enjoyed seeing all of the little islands in the ocean.
“It was the best trip I had ever been on in my whole life,” said Barlow.
Barlow stated that snorkeling was her personal favorite part of the trip. Her only complaint was the amount of mosquito bites she came home with.
Kensington, London
Maddie Meehan (2019)
Rating: 5 stars
Sophomore Maddelein Meehan took spring break approximately 4,000 miles away in London. Meehan’s uncle was planning on taking them on the trip but could not do it, so her mother stepped in and decided to make it a family trip. Meehan, her younger brother, and her mother packed their bags and headed off to Kensington, London for a week. Meehan got the chance to see westminster abbey, the tower bridge, tower of London, ride on double decker buses, and walk around London.
“[My favorite part was] exploring the city and having a feel for the food and people,” said Meehan.
Meehan enjoyed the whole trip she said she would definitely go back, probably with friends next time. She loved hearing the accents and said everything was different there compared to here.

The view from Hollywood Beach, Florida.
Hollywood Beach, Florida
Georgiana Gomozarck (2019)
Rating: 5 stars
For the majority of Spring Break sophomore Georgiana Gomozarck visited Hollywood Beach Florida with her family and her friend sophomore Angela Murray. Murray’s mother had a work conference down in the sunshine state so Gomozarck and Murray decided to join her.
Due to the conference location, Gomozarck and Murray also stayed at the Omni Resort on Amelia Island.
Their days consisted of going to the beach, walking along the boardwalks, watching the sun rise, and attending a concert on the beach. They were in Florida for a total of nine days.
“Just going in the ocean on Amelia Island because the waves were so high,” said Gomozarck after being asked what the highlight of her trip was.
Newport Beach, California
Sophia Ramirez (2019)
Rating: 5 stars
RBHS sophomore Sophia Ramirez traded mud boots for sandals as she headed out to Newport Beach California for the 2017 spring break. Due to her mother’s work conference falling on spring break, Ramirez took advantage of getting the chance to visit the west coast.
Ramirez and her mother were in Newport Beach for a total of five days. Some highlights from their trip included: visiting Disneyland in Anaheim CA, taking trips to the beach, touring the town, and walking along the piers.
“[The trip] was really fun and really relaxing,” said Ramirez.
Ramirez, being a die-hard Disney fan, really enjoyed visiting Disneyland for her first time. Her favorite part was getting to go on all of the rides. The only worry Ramirez had over spring break was her sunburn.
Orlando, Florida
Joseph Shelvan (2019)
Nathan Roberto (2019)
Elliot Royer (2019)
Rating: 5 stars
Not many people get the opportunity to travel with their friends but these three sophomore boys did. RBHS sophomores Joseph Shelvan, Nathan Roberto, and Elliot Royer traveled to Orlando, Florida for a week with Royer’s family. Last year the family had traveled to Mexico but this year they decided to stay in the country. The boys got the chance to got to Disney world, universal studios and Seaworld.
“My favorite part was Seaworld where we got to swim with some stingrays, it was so much fun,” said Shelvan.
New York City, New York
Cora Lutes (2019)
Rating: 5 stars
Contrary to many of the tropical destinations multiple RB students ran off to over spring break, sophomore Cora Lutes traded Millennium Park for Central Park. Neither Lutes nor her sister had ever visited New York City so Lutes’s family decided to show the girls a new city for four days.
“My spring break was adventurous and I was so glad to try something new,” said Lutes.
While in the Big Apple Lutes and her family visited many well known places such as the famous Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, Times Square, the 9/11 memorial, and none other than Central Park.
The most exciting experience she had on the trip was being in Times Square at night. Seeing Times Square all lit up made her forget all about the rainy New York weather.
“I would recommend [New York City] to anyone because there are so many things to do,” said Lutes.
Boca Raton, Florida
Maddalena Silvestri (2019)
Anna Stivers (2019)
Rating: 5 stars
Best friends Maddalena Silvestri and Anna Stivers took a relaxing trip to Boca Raton, Florida over spring break. Silvestri’s grandparents live there and she got the chance to bring one friend to come with her for a week long visit. The visit was relaxing, filled with lying on the beach and taking late night bike rides together. The two girls said they would definitely go back together and hopefully with other friends as well.
“It was amazing, the weather was beautiful. I had such a wonderful time,” said Silvestri.
While Stivers almost never travels for breaks, Silvestri almost always does.
“I would definitely go back, it was my first time in Florida and I had a great experience. Maddalena and her family were so much fun,” said Stivers.