The Winter Break Recovery

Hailey Paisker

One student dragging in another student after break.

Evan Moyer, Staff Reporter

It’s Christmas break, I finished the winter finals, three days of testing done. Break is upon me now and I’m very excited. I get to sleep in all week and then it’s Christmas Eve, spending time with my relatives overall having a great time. Waking up on Christmas day, the stockings are full and the tree is surrounded by presents. 2 weeks go by and the one thing on my mind is going back to school.

I don’t like coming back after a long break like Christmas break. It’s a pain for me, and the whole family. When break ends, my family and I have to get up at 6:45 to get to school. My father has to get up early for work, and my mother drives me and my sister to school.

However, during break, I get on a schedule of waking up at 10 in the morning, laying around, eating late, or going out for a nice breakfast, and staying up till 12. When it’s the last day of break I cherish it like the last piece of cake. But I remember I have spring break to look forward to, and then summer break, it’s not the last break of the school year.

When I do come back to school, I have a good night’s rest, drag myself out of bed, and get to school. I take a deep breath and think to myself, a new school semester, a new year, new me, I want the rest of the year the best I can make it.