Siblings through and through the generations

Portraits of my siblings. Daniel’s senior portrait from 2007, Evangeline’s senior portrait from 2015, my senior portrait from 2018, and Angelo’s elementary school picture.

Vivian Marina Piña, Editor-in-Chief

Throughout different stages of life, a person experiences different fears, happiness, struggles, and accomplishments. These hopes and distresses can also change depending on the generation a person was born into, and the different social and technological experiences they have witnessed.

I took a personal approach on this topic by exploring the lives of my siblings. Before I continue,  I need to explain why my siblings are the perfect candidates for this subject.

Daniel, the eldest sibling, was born in 1988. He was an only child until my sister Evangeline was born in 1997 (already at a good nine-year difference). In 1999 I was born, having an 11 year-old brother and a two year-old sister. Life went on, and by the time I was ten, I got another brother, Angelo, born in 2010. Daniel was 21 when Angelo was born, and Evangeline was 13.

And yes, we all have the same mother and same father from one marriage.

Daniel graduated RBHS in 2007, Evangeline in 2015, and I will graduate this May, while my mom anxiously awaits the day Angelo finishes high school in 2028.

Currently, Daniel is 29 and living life as an adult. Evangeline is 20 and is in her third year of college; I’m 18 and about to finish high school, and Angelo is eight and in the second grade.

Now I know there are more drastic generation gaps impacting society today, but one should take this as a more lighthearted view of siblings experiencing the modern world at their current stages of life.

A major struggle all of us have is time management.

“The most challenging part of my life is balancing school, work, homework, and commuting without burning out,” said Evangeline.

Staying alert through long days is tough, but mornings are rough for us as well; for Angelo, that’s what he sees as the most challenging part of his life.

“Waking up and not getting tired is hard,” said Angelo.

However, the struggles of life can be overcome in time.

“Life will always come with its obstacles no matter how well you think you might be prepared,” said Daniel. “You won’t always make popular decisions, and you won’t always make the right decisions, but it’s through trial and error we become who we want to be. As a former mentor used to tell me, ‘You gotta want it!’”

We can all recognize and  enjoy the peaceful moments in life.

“I’m fortunate enough to live without worries,” said Daniel. “I’m comfortable and in a great place in my life.”  

And the simple joys in life make the days worthwhile.

“Getting to play iPad for two hours every day and doing math at school is the best part of my day,” said Angelo.

We all have big plans for our future and are excited for the road ahead.

“As cliche as it is, I’m looking forwards to buying a home and starting my own pack,” said Daniel. “You can be against it all you want or say you’re different, but at the end of the day it’s what you’ll want to do in your own way.”

However, we still have concerns for the future.

“I worried about not being able to walk that good when I’m an old man and the ocean all polluted,” said Angelo.

People who lived before us did not experience the same advancements in society we have. They come with benefits and disadvantages.

“The availability of everything is much better nowadays. You can get anything you need or want almost instantly, along with finding information quickly,” said Evangeline. “However, there’s a lot of tolls on the environment and other people from it. Society’s becoming tech-centered almost too quickly.”

These pros and cons are also apparent to youth.

“There’s more video games, high graphic video games, and YouTube now, but there’s lots of cars, paper, and trash polluting the ocean,” said Angelo.

At the end of the day, we all just look for peace in our lives.

For Angelo, peace is “when you just relax and sit down.” For Evangeline, peace is “a cup of tea, a sleeping dog on my lap, and napping without worry.” And for Daniel, peace is “Having to do NOTHING.”

Reflecting on the answers of my siblings, I have viewed the conflict between generation gaps in a new light. At the end of the day, all of us want the same things, fear the same things, and find comfort in the same things. Though my siblings and I are spread across different generations, our characteristics we share tie us all together.