Swim team prepares for breast cancer event

Photo courtesy of Ramstein Air Base.

Tyler Miller, Staff Reporter

Many of us are fortunate enough to live everyday without many adversities in our life. Simple things in life like spending time with friends and family, or playing sports seem to be part of everyday life. Only when you experience a large obstacle, are you changed.

Recently, the RB community came together to show support for one student enduring a hard event. Sarah Strubbe, a junior and a member of the swim team, had to watch as her mother went through surgery for recently diagnosed breast cancer. Despite all of the sadness that could have came out of this event, the RB girls’ swim team rallied around her to ensure a positive and caring event.

Sports often create special bonds between a team. After being informed about Sarah and her family going through such a difficult time, the whole swim team came to her aid immediately. With the surgery completed successfully on September 19, the whole team was determined to make her feel comfortable and happy.

“The day of the surgery, the girls all rallied around her. We had practice in the morning and had a little breakfast together,” explained head swim coach Michael Laurich.

Team support continues to be going strong. Many of the swimmers have gone to great lengths to ensure not just care for Sarah, but for her whole family. Multiple swimmers have made efforts to help out, including bringing dinners to the family.

“The team has really come together to support her. One morning practice, we all brought donuts for her, and we have all been super inclusive and open about it,” said swimmer Claire Kawiecki.

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the captains and Sarah herself thought of an event that will incorporate swimming and support. “Breaststroke for Breast Cancer” will take place ideally on October 16 during a practice. The goal is to swim breaststroke for most of the practice, along with doing drills, relays, and fun activities related to the specific stroke. Pink caps will also be worn to support breast cancer awareness.

The players and coaching staff have all been affected positively by the event, despite the hardships faced. Being thankful and supportive have had impacts on everyone.

“When anyone goes through any adversities in their life, you hope that your friends will rally around you and support you. That’s exactly what they did and it makes you realize that this is just a sport and there’s a world outside of competition that takes precedence over everything else,” said Laurich.