My life with a peanut allergy

Beck Nolan

Bartholomew Richard Fitzgerald-Smythe (Mr. Peanut) and staff reporter Jacob Rogoz matching.

Jacob Rogoz, Staff Reporter

Most people don’t have to constantly question what they eat daily and decide if they should or shouldn’t eat something, unless you’re on a diet, but I’m not on a diet. I’m just highly allergic to peanuts. 

Ever since I could remember, I was unable to eat a lot. My allergy was practically airborne as a kid, so I wasn’t allowed to even be near something with peanuts. I would watch Reese’s Puffs commercial and always wonder what I’m missing out on. I wanted to make my morning time epic. 

A peanut allergy has its advantages and disadvantages. Whenever I go to a family party or birthday party, I can never eat dessert because it usually either has peanuts or was made in a facility with peanuts which is really disappointing, but you learn to live with never having cake. 

Having a peanut allergy teaches me a lot of good skills for my personality and life in general. My allergy has taught me to be more aware of my surroundings so I’m always on the watch regardless 

My “friends” usually like to throw stuff with peanuts at me or joke about my allergy which can be scary in a way, but I couldn’t care less. That’s not an invitation to throw peanuts at me, but since time has gone by, my allergy has gotten better and has allowed me to be near peanuts and even have contact with them. 

You don’t get any special treatment for having a peanut-allergy. It stops me from eating certain foods and it’s really as simple as that. Although I sat separate from my entire class at lunch for my entire time in elementary school, it was not a form of special treatment. I felt left out from all the fun my friends seemed to be having at their tables together.

It’s just a current blockade from me and the world of peanuts. As much as I wish I could wake up and be able to eat Snickers and creamy peanut butter, that’s not the life I live and that’s probably not the life I’ll ever be able to live. 

As much as a peanut allergy sounds dreadful, you get used to it. You learn to accept the fact that you can’t have certain food and everything gets a lot easier. There’s a lot more to my allergy then what food I’m left out on.

I’ve only had allergic reactions when I was young, and one time during my freshman year during gym class. When I have a reaction I break out in hives, my face swells up, my throat gets itchy, and I start to lose air when my throat starts to close. I could suffocate to death if I don’t keep my epi-pen with me. My medicine is the only thing that will keep my throat open until I can get to a hospital. 

It’s a lot scarier then it seems when your life could possibly end. I wish I could outgrow it and not have to worry about the food I eat anymore, but my allergy has taught me to remember important things, it keeps me responsible, and makes me think before making decisions. 

My peanut allergy is annoying and gets in the way of a lot, but I’ve just come to accept it as a part of me. Unless some type of cure is successfully made, I will stick with my allergy all my life. I won’t ever be able to experience the taste of real peanut butter and peanut filled snacks and most importantly, Reese’s Puffs. It can get quite annoying having this thing attached to me wherever I go, but it’s a part of me that I can’t get rid of.