A portrait of Art Club

Maliana Downing

An Art Club member’s interpretation of drawing during Art Club.

Ciaran Mathews, Staff Reporter

Tuesdays can sometimes tend to be a plain and dull day of the week, but for the artists at RB, they can be one of the best days of the week. Every Tuesday, since the beginning of the school year, Art Club members have met in the art and ceramic rooms to create their own artwork. Students can choose to work alone or in small groups with friends.

Art Club is one of the most attended clubs at RB; it currently has 35 members and has doubled in size since last year.

“We want students to understand the feeling that fine arts gives you,” said Art Club sponsor Kristin August.

Although August is the sponsor of the club, it is mostly student-led. They choose what type of art they want to work on while the more experienced students teach the younger students the advanced techniques like ceramics.

“While some students like showing off their work, others are more shy and don’t like showing work,” August said.

Some students that do not like showing off their art pieces come to the club to show support and hang out with their friends.

“[Art club is] a cool place to use your inspiration,” said sophomore Sydney Weinert, a new Art Club member.

Although Weinert has only been a member of the club for a few weeks, she is already enjoying creating new art and using new materials.

“I like that it gives me accessibility to a lot of materials I wouldn’t have outside of school,” Weinert said.

Art Club members are free to use any of the materials in the art room at any time, which gives many students like Weinert availability to materials they do not have previous experience with.

 “It helped me to spend more time working on things I like,” said junior Emily Xu,  who has been a member of the Art Club for three years.

Xu is one of many members of the Art Club that enjoys the club because they get to choose what to create and how to create since there are no set rules deciding what they should be working on. 

Students in Art Club are currently working on murals that August will present to Dave Mannon, the RB assistant principal for student affairs, for approval to paint them around the school. The murals will represent each of the subjects that the school teaches and will be in their respective hallways.

“[Art Club members] always seem to have a good time because of fun leadership and fun classmates,” August said.