Valentine’s Day dates

Hannah Sales, Staff Reporter

Valentine’s Day is a special day to celebrate the ones you love, but this year things are going to look a little bit different due to the pandemic. People will have to think outside of the box to come up with ideas that can be fun and safe this Valentine’s Day. Here are some ideas to help you and your significant other celebrate the day safely together but separately. 


There are a lot of great Valentine-Esque movies out there, one way of watching movies is through Zoom and/or Netflix Party.  These are great ways to spend time with your significant other from a safe distance. You can make popcorn, cuddle up with your favorite stuffed animal and pick your favorite movie. If you need some suggestions here are some movie recommendations:

  • Moonstruck
  • Groundhog day
  • The notebook
  • The princess bride
  • Princess and the frog
  • Wall-E
  • Shrek
  • La La Land
  • Titanic 
  • Love actually 


There are many different things you can bake, there are cookies, cakes, and cupcakes.

Bake cookies through zoom. If you’re not good with baking homemade cookies, how about store-bought ones, whatever fits your style. Don’t forget the heart-shaped cookie cutter or cake pan.

Self Care:

You and your significant other can both have a relaxing spa day. Imagine watching your significant other putting on a face mask or a self mani or pedi and laughing and making memories you will never forget. 

Board Games:

There are a ton of classic board games you can play from Sorry! to Pictionary or charades, to some new games like Exploding Kittens. You can have two game boards and move the pieces as each of you move on your own boards.


Video games: 

There’s an internet full of amazing and fun multiplayer games to play with your significant other. A couple of examples are Minecraft and Overwatch.

Hand made letters:

How about writing letters and then mailing them out to each other? You can make cute little pictures or crafts to go along with the letters. 


You can find a Youtube video of your favorite chef and then watching them together as you both make the recipe. Enjoy together on Zoom. Bon appetit.

Order takeout:

Who’s your favorite take out? Order so that they arrive at the same time and eat the meal together.

These are all ideas that can be done through Zoom but if you feel safe and comfortable enough to be in person they can all be done in person as well. Stay safe and have fun this Valentine’s Day!