After school standstill

Olivia O'Donnell

Students wait to cross the street in the after school traffic.

Harrison Covarrubias, Staff Reporter

Since the start of the school year at Riverside Brookfield High School, there have been several discussions amongst students, administrators, and parents regarding the traffic issues that occur at the beginning and end of every school day. Getting in and out of the parking lots and drop-off zones has proven to be a time-consuming task for the drivers in the area. 

When asked to compare the current school year’s traffic to those passed, Dave Mannon, the Assistant Principal for Student Affairs at RBHS, expressed that the traffic level is similar to years passed.

“The first couple of weeks it was a little more congested because we have two grade levels, freshman and sophomore, that really haven’t been accustomed to the traffic pick up and drop off pattern. It has been getting a lot better, as parents have specific pick-up points, and students get more involved with after-school activities,” Mannon claimed.

The readjustment to pick up patterns is not solely to blame for the congested streets in the area around the school. There is an ongoing construction project on the Brookfield Avenue bridge creating an increased backup down Washington Avenue since this is the only direct route into the majority of Brookfield. Brookfield Village Manager Tim Wiberg announced on September 13 that this project will not be completed until at least the spring of 2022. 

There was another construction project in Riverside at the beginning of September causing additional congestion; however, it has since been completed. 

With the increased traffic caused by the construction closings, the RB administration has been receiving the help of the Riverside Police Department. 

“One helpful thing this year, that is really being a benefit to us, is that the Riverside Police Department has been out every single day. I know that the Director of Public Safety, Matt Buckely, put an emphasis on traffic getting in and out of here in a safe manner and has dedicated resources to the start of the day as well as our dismissal,” Mannon stated.

The police assistance, which has proven to be a beneficial resource in reducing the time required to leave the parking for both those at the school and visitors of the zoo, will continue throughout the foreseeable future. Another important change to come is the number of vehicles leaving the zoo, as attendance is expected to decrease in the colder months. This will minimize the number of drivers in the area, allowing traffic to flow more efficiently. 

While there will always be some traffic, the administration at RBHS has taken strides with the help of the Riverside Police Department to make the process of pickup and drop-off more efficient for all those involved.