National Arts in Education Week is back!

Sadie Springer, Editor

Two weeks ago, RB celebrated National Arts in Education Week with a series of performances and events centered around the Fine Arts programs. The featured programs included RB’s dance, music, and visual arts. 

Mr. Baum is the Instructional Coach of Fine Arts and Wellness here at RB and was one of the main organizers of Arts in Education week.

“We started off celebrating this a few years back, and then of course the pandemic hit, and then coming out of the pandemic, our big push was to bring it back better than it was,” Baum said. 

Throughout the week, there were numerous performances to watch, artistic activities to participate in, and chances to learn more about the artists in our everyday lives. 

“Every day of the week, we had special announcements happening from artists talking about their specific discipline,” Baum said, “On Wednesday, teachers were supposed to talk about their own art abilities or how art and fine arts relate to their curriculum. On Thursday we had the performance, where each discipline took turns performing for a P.E. class. Then on Friday, we had faculty performances in the art pit. Then every day of the week except for Thursday we had karaoke in the morning.”

The highlight of the week for many was Thursday’s performances. The entertainment took place in the gymnasium during all gym periods. RB’s musicians performed, dance classes did a routine, and RB students’ art was put on display.  

“It was so moving. You have to understand, for some of these ensembles, it was their first time performing for their peers since the pandemic. And for our freshmen, for some of them, that was the first time for them performing since seventh grade,” Baum said. 

Although art is in many aspects of our lives, not everyone may consider themselves an “artist”. 

“It was also great because l don’t know that our non-art students necessarily understand the mind of an actor or a dancer. Hopefully they got a little bit of a glimpse into what that’s like,” Baum said. 

Ethan Dimaano is part of the Chamber Orchestra, the theater department, and the RB A Cappella group. 

“It was nice to play the violin with the orchestra and an audience, and dancing after the performances was a lot of fun,” Dimaano said. 

The Fine Arts are important to the Riverside-Brookfield community in many positive ways. One of them being the unity it forms for students and staff alike. 

“The Fine Arts are important to the RB community because it keeps us together during this time. Although we are in the midst of a pandemic, we are still able to connect with each other through the arts. Also, they allow for more diversity and a place for freedom of expression, things that I think are very important for high schoolers to have access to,” Dimaano said. 

Art in its many forms is also used as a way to relieve stress and provide a place of peace during our hectic daily lives. 

Gillian Downing plays the oboe for the Wind Ensemble and the flute for the RB Marching Band. 

“I think it is really nice to have an outlet in the school, a break in my day to just be able to express myself and play music with my peers,” Downing explained. 

Opportunities to get involved in the arts that RB offers are everywhere. 

“If you want to get involved in a Fine Arts program, there are lots of opportunities through either before or after school clubs and activities or through classwork. Just talk to a Fine Arts teacher, and we’d be happy to get you involved,” Baum said.