Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Staff Profile
Madison Heninger
Madison Heninger
Staff Reporter

    Prom to be held at Mickey D’s

    It’s the time of year when people all around the nation spend hundreds of dollars on dresses, shoes and tuxedos, all for a silly dance: prom. This year the junior class officers have decided to go the simple route. They announced Friday, March 25 that prom will be held at the McDonalds on Cermak in Broadview.

    Some may say this venue is not accommodating to the hundreds of students who are planning on attending prom. Others may argue that it is unfair that previous proms have been held at such fun environments, but Student Association begs to differ.

    The class officers have said that McDonald’s seemed liked a logical choice of location for many reasons. The restaurant has a lot of space for all the students. They can go anywhere from the play place (which will be open the whole time!) to the parking lot, which will have a special place put aside where no cars will be able to go.

     McDonalds also has a huge variety of food. Hungry for a burger? No problem. Vegetarian? They have salads. Craving dessert? Go purchase a McFlurry. The officers also thought that because of the rough economic situation we’ve been in, McDonalds would be very cheap. Tickets are only [$55 as opposed to last year’s $60 tickets].

    In another attempt to save money, student has decided to cut the shuttle bus that takes kids to pro. Instead, they are planning a group walk to the location. Make sure to bring sensible walking shoes.

    Music will not be a huge concern this year because McDonalds has kindly offered to keep the soundtrack they play on throughout the entire dance. The songs range from the newest pop sensations to smooth jazz. SA is sure there won’t be any complaints this year.

    The last surprise student association is throwing at the student body is a special appearance by Ronald himself. For a low price of $20, students will be able to take group shots with Ronald and his trusty pal Mayor McCheese.

    Student association is very excited for this dance and knows it will be one that goes down in RB history. Their only worry is how to top it for next year.

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    • J

      John SchraidtApr 7, 2011 at 10:55 pm
