Impressive performances adding up for RB Math Team

Melissa Gorden

The Math Team after the Lemont Invitational

Rahim Kouferidji, Staff Reporter

On January 25, the RB Math Team went to their very first math competition: the Lemont Invitational.

The Freshman/Sophomore eight-person team placed third and the Junior/Senior two-person team placed fourth. The Junior/Senior relay team also placed fourth as well.

“I was surprised because I didn’t think we would place that high, but I was very proud that we were able to get fourth place,” said junior Mary Clare Greenlees who competed in the relay event.

Led by math teacher Melissa Gordon, the RB Math Team meets every Friday at 7:20 before school until the bell rings. During that time, they are given problems to practice either individually or as a team.

The members of the team consist of students from every grade, with different levels of experience.

“I’ve been on it in other grades, but other math teams. Fifth grade, seventh grade, just off and on kind of,” said freshman Will O’Brien.

Later, on the 28, the Math Team competed in their Conference competition, placing even better than before.

“It made the competitions more fun, you know, winning stuff,” said freshman Jacqueline Dimonte.

The Conference competition seemed to have easier problems than the Lemont invitational, and consisted of different events, including an Algebra 1 team, Algebra 2 team, Geometry team, Pre-Calculus team, freshman/sophomore eight-person team, and a junior/senior eight-person team.

Out of their three total competitions, the next is Regionals, and eventually the State Finals.

“At Regionals, there are certain scores that if you reach, you can go to state or if you place in the top two in competitions. But sometimes you have to place first. Typically, it’s just a certain score,” said junior Jackson Hajer.

If RB does well enough, some individuals or the team itself will be eligible for the State Finals on May 6.

Either way, these mathletes love what they do, and are committed to it.

“I would definitely do it again next year. I think it’s a really fun experience, especially if you like math. I just like the whole atmosphere and the challenge it brings to me,” said Greenlees.

The entire roster consists of:

Freshmen: Jade Connor, Grace DiBartolomeo, Jacqueline DiMonte, Taylor Jurgens, Claire Kawiecki, Danny Kawiecki, Will O’Brien, Kathe Pribyl Pierdinock, Kiri Salij, and Josh Turner

Sophomores: Noah Hoadley, Marta Janas, Joe Kawiecki, Luka Malovic, Sophia Marhoul, Andres Resto, Joey Vitek, and Elise Wojack

Juniors: Kaitlin Gaynor, Mary Clare Greenlees, Jackson Hajer, Claire Jacobs, Hailey Jurgens, Jason Kenny, Radka Pribyl Pierdinock, and Jacob Wardzala

Seniors: Sam Miezio, Maura O’Brien, Melissa Tovar, and Natalia Zhukova