My vote literally didn’t matter

Editor In Chief McKenna Powers frowns with Rubio

Editor In Chief McKenna Powers frowns with Rubio

McKenna Powers, Editor in Chief

When I turned 18, I thought I was actually going to be able to change the world. I could finally buy squares, buy lotto tickets, get kicked out of my house, be criminally charged as an an adult, and most importantly, vote. But with my luck, of course, my vote didn’t matter. Everyone says their vote didn’t matter, but mine literally did not matter.

I woke up bright and early to be able to vote for my first time ever. Honestly, I was pretty excited. It felt like it was the first time I could potentially make a difference in society, even though most people wouldn’t agree with that statement.

With certain people, it seems as though if you don’t agree with Bernie Sanders, you’re wrong, and shouldn’t vote, because you obviously don’t know he’s the best candidate.  I don’t agree with that. Everyone has their own opinion. If you don’t agree with someone, you shouldn’t be considered wrong and pushed aside for having different views, but of course, that’s not how things work, unfortunately. Even writing this article saying who I voted for makes me feel a little on edge.

Even with everyone’s harsh words on not agreeing with Bernie, I still went away from voting for him.

I really do consider myself a Democrat. Even taking a voting preference test, it said I had similar views towards the Democratic side. But I just don’t agree with what Bernie wants, and I certainly don’t agree with Hillary. So, who’s left to vote for?

Certainly not Trump. I know that one for sure. Kaisch and Rubio? I honestly don’t have a problem with either. I liked Rubio from the start, so I decided I’d vote for him.

By the end of the day, Rubio was like “bye Felicia” and was out of the race, which literally meant my vote did not matter at all. The first time I had the opportunity to vote, I couldn’t make a difference. Kind of depressing, especially since I was already so excited to vote for the first time. But… it happens.

Turning 18 and finally being able to vote didn’t exactly turn out as I expected, but November will be here soon enough, and there’s always my second chance to make a change.

Personally, I now find it hilarious that my vote literally didn’t matter. In our society, a majority of us agree that our votes don’t matter, so what’s the point in voting then? But think about going back to Al Gore and Bush. Those last 500 votes in Florida really did make a difference. For Pete’s sake, those 500 votes determined the presidency!

This election has been the craziest election in history, which has honestly made me happy this is the first election I’m able to participate in. Maybe this November I’ll be able to make that difference, but knowing my luck, my vote will literally not matter once again. But hey, does it hurt trying a second time?