The culmination of four years of hard work and dedication is coming to an end. In as little as half a year the construction will be done, and over for all RB students,
What started as a blueprint is now nearly complete as students return to classes with a new building. For many students it’s a shock.
“It’s weird to think that what started when I was a freshman is now finished.” said Senior Matt Landess. “I’d thought I would never see the end of it.”
In 2005 the villages of Riverside and Brookfield passed a referendum that raised money for RB that would revolutionize RB and its students.
The project started with the brand new football stadium and then went on to include a new band room, science department, new classrooms, a new library, a new cafeteria, and a brand new 41 yard pool.
“It really is like they built a new school instead of a renovating an old one,” said Sophomore Christina Daily. “It’s like some school out of a TV show.”
Currently the construction is finishing up work in the Little Theater and the Auditorium. The Little Theater is expected to be finished near the end of October while the Auditorium will be ready next year.
“From the very beginning, the Core Team has been diligent about spending money wisely. It’s gratifying to see those early choices moving towards a positive conclusion,” said Interim Principal Tim Scanlon.
The most notable and most visible addition is the new northwest entrance. The newest, and most ambitious, area of the school brings a look to RB that it has been missing in the past according to some students. In the new entryway a student gallery will become a focal point, as RB students now have a new area to showcase there work.
“We expect that spot to become a natural gathering place for students because of its accessibility and visual interest,” said Construction Manager Andy Totten.