Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Staff Profile
Gabby Gilhooley
Gabby Gilhooley
Staff Reporter

Orchesis Dance Company hard at work

Many of RB’s talented dancers have somewhat disappeared from the public eye over the last few months, as they are hard at work preparing for their culminating performance: the Orchesis Show. This year’s show, entitled “Synergy,” is being held on Friday, April 30th and Saturday, May 1st.

Tickets cost $4 for students and seniors, and $6 for adults. Students with the activity pass on their ID receive free admission. The show is to be held in the newly renovated auditorium.

Senior Melissa Pruitt, commenting on the choice of theme this year, said, “The show title ‘Synergy’ definitely is a great description of this year’s intro ‘Chase’. The intro has different choreography and group sections all going on at once which really depicts the idea of synergy throughout the dance.”

The company of girls involved in creating this show practiced long, difficult hours after school in order to fully prepare for the dances. Since spot-on coordination and timing between members is required in dance, hours upon hours of practice have been put into this preparation.

Senior Lauren DeRosier said, “Tons and tons of work is put into this show. We have auditions in the fall and then start rehearsals in late February. We practice every week, and two weeks prior to the show we stay at school even later. Today the seniors didn’t get home until around nine!”

Dances for Orchesis this year are choreographed by both professionals and students. Some of the dances are choreographed and designed as Orchesis originals, whereas others are carry-over dances performed on a regular basis by the Repertory Dance Ensemble.

When asked about her favorite dance, Senior Danielle Kovack said,This year’s showcase has made it so difficult to pick a favorite! Each dance is so different from the last. However, I absolutely love the finale. I’m so impressed with how it turned out.”

Company captains this year are seniors Kovack, DeRosier, Natalie Godlewski, and Pruitt. These girls, in addition to being looked up to by younger, less-experienced dancers, help with choreography and ensure that the show runs smoothly.

The Orchesis Dance Company has very high hopes for Synergy. DeRosier said, “My biggest hope/goal for this show is that the audience really enjoys it. This year the show has more variety then previous shows and I hope the audience realizes that and appreciates it.”

“I hope to really bring excitement to the show as an individual. I’m always looking for new ways to entice the audience to not take their eyes off of me. Overall, my main goal is to have an amazing show that people will remember for years to come,” added Kovack.

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  • A

    adminApr 30, 2010 at 9:15 am

    All Orchesis performances of Synergy start at 7:30 p.m.


  • C

    Carol McBrideApr 29, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    The article about Orchesis does not include the time of the performances. Could you please let me know?