Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Staff Profile
Azucena Gama
Azucena Gama

Blood Drive is once again a success

On Wednesday May 26, RB yet again hosted a blood drive. A company, Life Source, was in the building collecting blood from students, teachers and anyone that wanted to donate. It took place in the Alumni Lounge from 8:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M.

This is not the first blood drive RB has had throughout the year. Wednesday’s blood drive was the last of three blood drives for the school year. RB has been getting more and more volunteers (16 and up) to donate their blood.

This time RB had a total donation of 121 pints of blood. For every pint donated, three lives were saved reaching a total of 363 lives. The total pints donated throughout the school year were 331 pints, which means a totally of 993 lives were saved.

Sophomore Kyle Perfect said, “It was my first time donating blood and I’m so happy I did it. It was a great experience and everything went smoothly. I will definitely be donating again next year.”

Another participant, sophomore Evan Waterloo said, “I’m really happy I donated, it really makes me feel like I’ve made a difference because I’ve saved three lives.”

Life source would like the reward those who donated by giving out gifts. Everyone that donated received plaid pajama pants, along with food and drinks.

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