Fall gone wrong
October 10, 2017
The brutal summer temperatures that Chicago endured this summer have seemingly continued into the fall months, with 80 degree days in both September and October.
The changing weather has had a considerable impact on everyone’s lives. It interferes with day-to-day activities, affects nature’s agenda and worst of all, detracts from the autumn spirit. The sea level is rising and getting warmer, affecting aquatic animals, while the levels of invasive species are starting to rise. These are the effects of global warming.
Several students expressed concern over the fact that they were unable to wear their marching band uniforms at RB’s homecoming game on Friday September 22, 2017. The uniforms are a great part of marching band; they show formality and represent RB.
Morton West was also having problems due to the weather. Students were fainting on the bleachers during their pep assembly and six students were sent to the hospital, according to WGN news. Additionally, their homecoming dance was postponed for a week due to the lack of air conditioning in the gym.
In addition to the aforementioned inconveniences is the fact that nobody can truly enjoy the ambience of the fall months with the oppressive heat and humidity. Walking home from school is a challenge in itself, and doesn’t not need to be made worse by the scorching temperatures.
Projected forecasts for the past few weeks have been in the 70s and 80s, but the average in Chicago for this time of year should only be expected to have a high of 62.
All in all, it is safe to say that autumn’s true arrival is long overdue, and is proving to be a significant hindrance to all of us. You can’t be in the fall mood if it’s warm out— if you’re sweating, it’s not happening.