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Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Mike Gmitro

Mike Gmitro, Staff Reporter

Mike moved from London when he was five. This is probably the reason for his pristine British accent. He continues to follow heavily in the British Underground Alternative Rave scene. Food is his other true calling. Consuming food is one of Mike’s passion. He pretends to play guitar but don’t believe him.

Mike is a senior in his first year with Clarion. Around RB he is involved heavily in the performing arts. He is also an insane lover of music, and movies. Ask him anytime about music and he’ll talk to you for hours. He loves to write and create with words.

Mike can be reached at

All content by Mike Gmitro
Recent international testing suggests our high schools might do better to do less standardized testing and more creative, out-of-the-box thinking.

Test less, create more

Mike Gmitro, Staff Reporter
December 17, 2013
Why did vandalism at RB receive more media coverage than it deserved?

A tale of two schools

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October 29, 2013
AM by Arctic Monkeys may wake us all up

AM by Arctic Monkeys may wake us all up

Mike Gmitro, Staff Reporter
September 12, 2013
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