Painting a new canvas

Students packed into the RB art studio at the club’s first meeting.
February 19, 2016
Grab your sketch books and paint brushes RB because Art Club is back! With meetings after school on Mondays twice a month, sponsors Blair Jensen and Suzanne Zimmerman create a relaxed and fun environment. This club works for any student who is interested in any kind of art but does not necessarily have room to fit it into their schedules.
Just this year the club has found its way back to RB after being cut a few years ago, and it was welcomed back with open arms. At the first meeting on Monday, January 11 around 40 kids showed up. The only problem was finding enough space for everyone to fit in the art studio.
“It was really gratifying to have them all come. It’s such a necessary niche. There’s nothing like it at RB,” said Zimmerman.
The club focuses on multiple types of art such as painting, photography, and pottery. The first project the club focused on was a pottery project for the Empty Bowls charity. This charity helps feed the hungry. By kids making their own bowls from clay and filling them with food to sell. All of the proceeds go to the Empty Bowls charity.
Zimmerman stated that it’s important for kids to be exposed to many forms of art. Art club is the perfect opportunity for kids that are intimidated by taking an art class. Zimmerman was originally hired as the art club sponsor seven years ago, and after the cuts she wasn’t ready to give it up.
“With art club you can tap into the interests of a group of students as opposed to as one niche thing,” Zimmerman said.
Though art club is not funded by the school, Dave Mannon, RB’s Assistant Principal for Student Affairs, has been very supportive of it. The board’s policy states that a club has to be in effect for two years before it can be approved as an official club.
As of now, the club is not sure where the funding will be coming from for the next two years. Meaning that they will have to do just the most minimum projects. However, as long as the kids can walk away with something that they are proud of, that’s really all that matters.
“We need well rounded opportunities for our students, and that’s pretty apparent from meeting with them,” Zimmerman said.
Though not everything is progressing as fast as preferred, the interest level continues to increase. The money may not be there just yet, but passion is the foundation of this club as they paint their new picture.