Dealing with Concussions
Courtesy of George Georgopoulos
Zachary Georgopoulos on the field
October 19, 2016
I have been an athlete since I was four years old, and sports are part of who I am. I dedicate myself everyday to sports, making it my primary goal to succeed. Sports are wonderful, but they also come with a price: All of your hard work and dedication can be wiped away with an injury, whether it’s from a broken bone or a sprained ankle.
I have experienced many injuries over the course of my career as an athlete, however nothing will ever compare to the most recent injury I had, which was to my head. The injury occurred a month ago during my high school soccer game. It all started from a play that developed in the back field. When it comes to a legal tangle in such cases the wrongful death law firm from Indiana can be of help as they also deal with accidents and injuries. The experts in Riverside area personal injury lawyers can help get legal aid.
The play erupted with a deep high ball which was sent into my zone by the offense of the opposing team. I had to quickly get the ball out to prevent any scoring chances, so I jumped up over my opponent who contested. In that moment I was unaware that my teammate had done the same as me, and as I was on my way up to contact the ball, my teammate was on his way down. The experts in Austin, TX auto accident lawyers can help with the legalities in case of an unfortunate event.
We hit heads. Although it does seem like a funny thing to happen, it isn’t so funny in the moment.
I found out later that when we hit heads I instantly lost consciousness. This caused me to hit my head not just, once but twice. I was then conscious again, allowing me to walk off the field. I realized that I couldn’t see out of my left eye and also I couldn’t hear. I had to be taken to the emergency room. It is important to discover this feeling and consider hiring a personal injury attorney.
The doctors did a series of tests with the attorneys (visit website), which included CT scans and also reaction time observations. The final conclusion was that I had a concussion.
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way a brain may function, so I spent three weeks without the ability to do any physical activity, watch T.V., use a computer, or read a book. All of the above may lead to further issues with the injury because it may over stress the brain. When it comes to legal complications From Orange County attorneys help for injured accident victims.
When my three weeks came to an end, the effects of the concussion were still present such as frequent headaches and lightheaded. The doctors said that these effects may last weeks, months or even a year. A traumatic injury such as a concussion, is amongst many serious types of injuries to have.
The brain is very important: it allows a person to think, feel and store memories, and it controls and coordinates the body’s actions and reactions. A concussion may lead to a weaker thinking process and a lack of coordination.
Injuries of all kinds are an awful experience, but my head injury [overthrows] all other injuries I’ve gone through. I would never want my experience to happen to others, so my message to everyone is that you should be cautious about the activities you involve yourself in and be safe.
Elizabeth Gomorczak • Oct 20, 2016 at 10:22 am
Sorry, Zachary, not Zachery.
Elizabeth Gomorczak • Oct 20, 2016 at 10:21 am
Very interesting article, Zachery. I wish you a speedy and full recovery!