Why we should have the day off after Halloween
October 31, 2017
We all know the feeling, waking up on November 1st, getting up and looking around at your room, candy wrappers spilling out of your pillowcase, costume on the ground looking lifeless, homework on your desk, untouched.
You look in the mirror: there’s still face paint on your face from the neighbor’s halloween party, you look at your hands, your fingers are stained with chocolate.
You start to get dressed and you think to yourself, I should just fake sick to skip school today, but you know that you’d never do it.
But, why don’t we have the day off of school after Halloween?
I mean we get the day off for Columbus Day, which isn’t necessary, but we don’t have November 1st off?
I call that crazy.
Halloween in general is not considered a federal holiday, adults don’t get work off and students don’t get school off. But that’s not important, Halloween is really a night holiday. A night holiday means that you can do whatever in the morning because Halloween doesn’t really start until school is out, and then we must celebrate until the night is over.
We spend Halloween with friends and family. Kids are out trying to fill up their baskets until they overflow, families are celebrating together watching movies, friends are celebrating together by going out.
But then the next morning comes. You went to bed late, and it is noticeable. At school, productivity level is down, the effort is gone, and no one is focused. Days like that lead to a less successful school year, days like that lead to more work to be done later, and it leads to stressed out teachers.
If we had off November 1st then we would get a break day to rest and catch up. With that time we can do our homework, clean ourselves up, and rest up to be ready for tomorrow’s day at school. Then when we get to school on November 2nd, we will all be successful and productive at school, leading to a successful school year.
All in all there are many valid reasons on why we should have the day off after Halloween, I hope you now feel strongly on this opinion as I do.
Now go on, celebrate your Halloween, but in the morning think about this: what if you didn’t have to get up for school?
Yooo • Oct 3, 2021 at 5:58 am
Mate. 100 percent agree. Me and my friends have had for 2 years a tradition to spook up their mansion and scare everyone. Now that I have moved quite far I would have to go for a sleepover but I can’t cuz it would be Monday morning
Bob John • Sep 26, 2021 at 7:26 pm
How many people were absent in your school the day after Halloween?
AA • Oct 31, 2019 at 11:12 am
Yes, I agree. I mean, I wont be focused bc of all the candy!!!
Apendeki • Oct 30, 2019 at 5:37 pm
In my place we don’t have Halloween because we don’t have things to do in the house or things to do in the house. My mom say that Halloween can not be in the house because last Halloween we got to get candy’s but I don’t know if we are going to have candy’s.
Ur Mum Gae • Sep 13, 2019 at 1:32 pm
I can’t agree more! Great article! It could be longer though.
Greg Boswell • Oct 31, 2017 at 10:35 am