The state of RB following school closure
Freytas provides update on school procedures for the remainder of the rest of the academic year and beyond.
RB students will continue with at home learning for the remainder of the school year.
April 23, 2020
This past Friday, April 17, Governor J.B. Pritzker gave Illinoisans the news that many had expected, but few were happy to hear: schools across the state would remain closed, and at home, digital learning would continue for the remainder of the school year.
While this news gives Riverside Brookfield High School students the basic information about how the rest of the school year will be continued, many questions are still left unanswered. In an interview with the Clarion, RB principal Dr. Hectór Freytas sought to answer some of these questions.
While this school year will certainly continue from home, there is still much uncertainty about what school will look like next year. While Dr. Freytas could not say whether school would go back to normal for the 2020-2021 school year, he did emphasize that students’ health is more important than anything else during this time.
“The safety and well being of people is more important than learning, I know learning opens opportunities, but if we’re not healthy, we’re not safe, we can’t really do much,” Freytas said.
While nearly everyone in the Riverside Brookfield community has had their fair share of troubles with things such as school closures, event cancellation and more, Dr.Freytas recognizes that high school seniors have been one of the hardest hit groups. Although he recognizes that what seniors at RB, and across the nation are going through is tough, Dr.Freytas encourages them to keep their head up, and emphasizes how proud he is of them.
“I really hope that the seniors make the best out of this experience, and remember these experiences, knowing that no one else went through this,” Freytas said, “This Senior class, they are trailblazers, they’re leaders, they’re gonna grow, and I think they’re gonna be better for it.”
Dr. Freytas also spoke about the impact that Covid-19 may have on the incoming Freshman class.
“They might not be able to make those connections that they normally would, it’s definitely gonna impact those students’ ability to connect to the school,” Freytas said.
Although no decision has been made on issues such as graduation, senior awards, and other activities which would have taken place during this time, Dr.Freytas and the rest of the schools administration has been, and continues to monitor the news in order to make the most informed decision possible.
“Right now we’re taking it day by day, every day I get an update, every day I meet with the superintendent, every day we talk about the future plans, like graduation and Apollo awards,” Freytas said.
Dr.Freytas did admit that trying to run a school of over 1600 students online can be taxing, he expressed confidence in RB’s staff, and the E-Learning program in place, as well as letting students know how important they are in keeping the school going.
“I feel confident in our E-Learning plan that was created in the fall, we’re exhausted, but you guys keep us going, there’s no quit in me, there’s no quit in the teachers, there’s no quit in the school board,” Freytas said.