Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Staff Profile
John Shay
John Shay
Staff Reporter

    Senior Goodbye: Celina Villegas

    Adios high school. It’s safe to say I’ve done a lot of growing up these past four years. You’ve brought the good, the bad, and the embarrassing. Needless to say, you’ve brought a lot of memories to my life. Ever since I walked through the doors of  RB during the fall of 2009, I knew many opportunities were coming my way. As time went on, I saw that high school is a whole different world full of new friends, enemies, and a world of hard work and determination to find yourself and prepare for what you want to do with your life. Looking back on these years, two really stuck out to me. Freshman and Junior year were definitely memorable years that I will never forget.

    Freshman year brings back countless good times, one of them includes being a part of SEE team. When I signed up for it during registration, I didn’t exactly know what to expect or gain out of this program, but I don’t regret joining at all. SEE team not only made me well aware of our planet, how we treat it, and all the things we can do to help it, but also introduced me to great people including some of my very best friends whom I’m still very close with today. The whole experience was something I’ll carry with me my whole life.

    Junior year was also an unforgettable year for me. During that year I gained new and lost old friends. I also started to figure out who I was, what I needed to do for the future, and lastly, I waited for that one day we all tend to dread, the ACT testing day. Junior year prepared me for this year and for the near future. It also made me realize that growing up and change are two of the best things that can happen to you.

    There are many people I’d like to give thanks to. The first people are my parents. They have supported me through every obstacle and achievement, they are my backbone and I don’t know what I’d do without them. Love you ma and pa! Next i’d like to thank my brothers and sisters. They all want the best for me and show their love for me every single day. Lastly I’d like to thank my friends and the teachers of the building. My friends and I have gone through a lot but we’re still as close as can be and I know our friendships will keep going throughout college. The teachers here have always been so nice and caring, all of the support is greatly appreciated, thanks for the advice!

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    About the Contributor
    Celina Villegas, Staff Reporter
    Celina enjoys nights that are unexpected and vanilla frappuccinos.  Her hobbies include running and playing soccer with her family on the weekends.  Celina's family and friends mean the absolute world to her.  She is the youngest of six and all of her siblings are an inspiration to her, having helped her so much in her life.  She's a really outgoing person but she can be reserved when needed.  Celina is a sucker for scary movie marathons and mystery novels.  She has enjoyed writing ever since she was little, and she's really excited for the experience that Clarion will give her. Oh, and Taco Tuesdays with Renee Miedlar are the best. Celina can be contacted at [email protected].

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