Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Staff Profile
The rhyimng poet poses by the roses.
Emily Gately
Staff Reporter

2011 SEE Team trip to Yellowstone National Park

Recently SEE Team announced that for their annual summer trip they would be attending Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Every year they provide a summer trip for students that are currently on SEE team and also previous members. This year however Eco Club and AP Environmental Science students are also invited to go and there is a maximum of 13 people allowed to attend.

 The trip is a great opportunity for students to be educated on the wild life living at the park. Previous years, SEE team has gone to places for the purpose of only site seeing but this year it’s an educational trip. Well at Yellowstone student will be studying different animal and plant species, such as wolves, bears, deer, sunflowers and lilies. Those are just some of the animal and plant species available to see at the park.

 Students and teachers will fly out of Chicago on July 9 to Montana and then take a bus to the park. The trip is nine days and eight nights of exploring and studying Yellowstone Park. SEE team is able to go through an organization called Ecology Project International. Students attending the trip are able to post questions about the trip on their website to get more information about the park.

 “I’ve never been able to go to Yellowstone, so to take the students there will be incredible.” SEE Team Teacher Jame Holt said.

 To raise money for the trip students are able to participate in fundraisers such as wrapping books at Borders and a rummage sale at RB in April. The money raised by the fundraisers will be divided among the students and given out to them to go towards paying for the trip. Another way for students to raise money is to apply for grants from the RBEF in April.

 If you miss the trip to Yellowstone Park this year, there will always be an opportunity to attend a different trip next year.

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