Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Staff Profile
Azucena Gama
Azucena Gama

End the silence

The Day of Silence has passed, but does it mean that the cause should be forgotten?  Though only a few short weeks have gone by since this day designed to show support to gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgender students, I’ve already heard discriminatory comments.

The point of the day of silence isn’t to give respect to gays for one day, but to raise awareness about bullying against people who harbor different sexual orientations. This day is supposed to help people understand that gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students are being silenced. It should be an everyday habit to not use discriminatory language

Now that the silence is over, I sat down with GSA member Nina Pallezari to give her a chance to speak about the Day of Silence.

What are your thoughts on day of silence?

It is very important as well as inspirational.

What groups of people join in day of silence the most?

Anyone who has an open, understanding mind will join in the Day of Silence or show support in some way.

Do you think that over the years people are becoming more accepting of gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual people?

I believe people are definitely maturing a great deal, finally opening their eyes to the facts. However there were probably always good, open minded people, just confused by the words of others.

What is the purpose of day of silence?

We have to remember, the day is not only for homosexual, bisexual, or transgender teens. While they are one of the highly targeted groups, it is a day for all people to raise awareness with the cruelty associated with bullying. Research on the history of the day of silence.

Do you think there should be more than just a one day thing?

No, I believe the one day occurrence has enough impact not only on the RB community, but all communities participating in Day of Silence

If you could talk to someone who is against gays, lesbians, and bisexuals, what would you tell them to show that they should be treated equally?

Well, you could always cheesily quote the “golden rule” but it does make a point. And if the Bible is the cornerstone of the argument, and the fervent readers of the Bible knew the history of the context, they wouldn’t jump to such hateful conclusions so quickly. Honestly, why would someone willingly ostracize themselves and willingly submit themselves to mockery and in just persecution.

In my opinion this Day of Silence is about being accepted for who you are no matter what their demographic.

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