Daniel Fosselman, Editor
Daniel Fosselman is an editor for the RBHS Clarion. He only just became an editor in January 2020, but he is already spearheading a movement within the Clarion to finally get the current staff's profiles updated, starting with his own (Daniel Fosselman currently pictured is from 2016, a more current photo will be provided at further notice). Daniel has been a member of the Clarion since his freshman year at RB, but was unable to continuously contribute to the school newspaper in part of his sophomore and his whole junior year due to the demands of the rest of his curriculum. Despite this estrangement from one of his most cherished programs at this school, he still knew he had to return for his final year of high school. Daniel is an avid player of video games, and takes his career at the Clarion as an opportunity to express his feelings and ideas about the medium.
He can be contacted at this email: [email protected].