Sticking with your clubs
PTO selling activity decals

Photo illustration by Galen Alaks
Decals like these are available for purchase through the PTO for all RB activities.
September 5, 2014
As a way to broadcast different clubs, the Parent Teacher Organization, or PTO, has introduced the opportunity to purchase decals. These new decals can be bought for many of the different clubs and sports, from Badminton to Speech Team to Eco Club and all the way to Track.
“It’s a great way to show your Bulldog pride,” PTO Vice President of Communications Elizabeth Gomorczak said. “We encourage parents, students, coaches, leaders, advisors, [and] teachers… to purchase the decals at $5 each and display them on their car, house or classroom windows.”
The decals can be purchased by going to the PTO web site and clicking on the decal button on the right side.
“The idea for the decals actually came from a couple of parents from the tennis program,” PTO president Pam Powers said. “They were talking about how to publicize the tennis program a little more and to show some team pride.”
The PTO decided to do this for all clubs and sports.
“The PTO strives to help with student enrichment and recognition, support for the staff, communications, and community outreach,” Powers said. “The money obtained from the decals will supply funds to keep the PTO running.”
Gomorczak sees the organization benefiting all aspects of the school community.
“The purpose of the RBHS PTO is to serve as a resource to parents and staff to enhance the opportunities available to our students” Gomorczak said. “This is accomplished through developing, coordinating, and implementing a variety of programs and events.”
The PTO is responsible for many school events including the Freshmen and staff welcomes, the Day of Service, the RB Boutique, the volunteer appreciation dinner and the staff appreciation day, as well as teacher and staff grants.
The PTO is made up of parents and guardians of RB students and meets almost every month during the school year. On the PTO executive board are the president, Pamela Powers, the Vice President of Communications, Elizabeth Gomorczak, the Vice President of Membership, Sue Huhndorf-Payne, the Vice President of Philanthropy, Kathi Parisi, the Vice President of Musical Sponsors, Doris Perry, the Treasurer, Renee Buksa, the Secretary, Kathy Barcal, and the Parlimentarian, Jeannie Glavas-Cowell.