Now you SEE it, now you don’t
During a February school board meeting, Principal Kristin Smetana announced that SEE Team, RB’s School of Environmental Education, will not run in 2015-16 due to low enrollment. SEE Team has been running for eight years, with one year in between those years it did not run after the failed 2011 referendum.
Look below to relive some highlights of SEE Team as well as some comments from SEE Team teachers past and present to outline the impact of SEE Team on students, teachers, their parents, and the environment.
About the Contributor

Galen Alaks, Co Editor-in-Chief
Baked Alaksa
1 cup of dorkiness
Two cups of mismatched socks
1/2 cup of editor-in-chief
Twelve cups of spaghetti
A pinch of anxiety
Darcy Lewis • Mar 24, 2015 at 11:42 am
This is an outstanding retrospective; getting commentary from Tim Scanlon and Jennifer Waldock is especially effective and even poignant, considering that one of RB’s signature programs is being dismantled. The fact that enrollment was lower following the program’s hiatus should be no surprise: it takes only an instant to cut a program that took years to build. If you want to rebuild it, that also takes years. I’m told that parents of rising freshmen were given almost no information about SEE Team and were left utterly confused. With “support” like that, low enrollment becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Additionally, the persistent inability to accommodate students who placed into Honors Geometry as freshmen was a continual drain on potential SEE Team enrollment. As a parent of a former SEE Team member, a current RB student and a D208 taxpayer, I am extremely disappointed in this decision.