One significant extracurricular activity is affected by the failure of last year’s referendum was the school play. The school decided to have one play every two years. This made many of the students very upset when they found this news out last year.
A solution may be on the way. The Riverside Theatre Guild, an organization created for students with an interests in theatre, decided to talk to RB’s administration to persuade them to have a play. RB is not responsible for the play, but is letting community members Darel Glaser and Jeanne Sheehan host a play, and in the auditorium.
Darel Glaser, a former Broadway actor, is helping out the Riverside community along with RB parents Dawn Gmitro and Sheehan.
The play that is going to be performed will be “Lil’ Abner”. If you are not familiar with the play, it’s about a comic strip based on the 1950’s. The people that the comic strip is based off a group of people who live in the small town of Dog Patch. One of the odd customs in this town is where the women of the town have a race to catch a man, whom they will marry. This race is known as the “Sadie Hawkins’ Day Race”.
Some of the Riverside Brookfield Students involved with the play include: Kristen Tomecek, Sara Nie, Jacob Palka, Kristin Ripoli, Kevin Smaller, Kyle Perfect, Aron Perfect, Lauren Hettasch, Rachel Bennett, Andrew Payton, Ugne Jurgaityte, Mary Heer, Masha Yulanova , Maraya Sandoval, Gina Watylyk, Grace Mikus, Lorelei Volpe, Annie Mitchell, Max Marciniak, Stewart Marciniak, Mike G’mitri, Annabelle Daily, Lindsey Dowling, and Jaden Cruz.
“It’s a funny story line and everyone will enjoy it!” said Rachel Bennett.
The play will be performed on November 16th, 17th and 18th, 8:00 P.M at the RB Auditorium.