Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Staff Profile
Taylor Kosiak
Taylor Kosiak
Staff Reporter

Vandemerkt takes over reigns as QB

Junior Jack VandeMerkt is manning the helm for this years RB football squad.
Miki Ljuboja
Junior Jack VandeMerkt is manning the helm for this year’s RB football squad.

Clarion got a chance to sit down with RB football team’s starting quarterback, junior  Jack Vandemerkt to talk about how the season is going and quite a few other topics.

Q: What is your evaluation of the season so far?

A: We’ve struggled so far but we are confident that there is time to turn the tables and improve.

Q: What is the key to turning the season around?

A: We need to keep working hard in practice, everyone needs to do their job, and we have to buy into Coach  Curtin’s  system if we want to start seeing better results.

Q: What was the transition like from the sophomore level to varsity?

A: Every last play is much faster, everyone is a lot stronger, and you have to work much harder if you want to keep up.

Q: What is the game you are most looking forward to and why?

A: I’d have to say the game against Nazareth. They are a local rival and usually one of the top teams in the state so it’s always good to measure yourself up against them. Playing against Coach Curtin’s old team will be pretty interesting too.

Q: Who is your favorite receiver to throw the ball to? Why?

A: It has to be (senior wide receiver) Joey Odeh. He has sure hands and is a big target that I can find down the field.

Q: Is football your favorite sport to play here at RB?

A: I wouldn’t say favorite but I love every sport I play.

Q: Favorite food?

A: Definitely pancakes!

Q: Favorite teacher at RB?

A: Mrs. Cassens. I can always go to her for anything and everything.


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