Mary Kober, Staff Reporter
Here’s some strange biographical information about a girl named Mary Kober who lives in a house made of black roses with thorns: inside her house she loves to cook, but nothing ordinary. She cooks the souls of all the forgotten people who ever lived, and eats them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She also loves to take nice walks outside on the metal blades that create the lovely surface of the planet. She only likes going out when the sky is dark, dark red with acid rain pouring from toxic clouds. She loves the storms with roaring winds that destroy your eardrums and the way it could push down the heavy, tall, metal trees to crush your skull. The adrenaline rush and danger excites her and she craves for more. She craves for dark energy that crushes idiocracy like a bug under a shoe. She loves cute little pets such as albino rats with bulging red eyes and huge, hairy, black-and-red striped tarantulas that are as big as rats, but deadlier. Her feelings are strong and cannot be tamed. Things are what they are and she is what she is. This is also her first year with Clarion. She hopes to enjoy it and be successful. She can also be reached at