Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


Free of Bull, Full of Bulldogs


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Evan Moyer
Evan Moyer
Staff Reporter

An insider’s addiction to Facebook

An insiders addiction to Facebook

Like, Like, Like, those are the common clicks on Facebook. In a high school full of students, there are bound to be conversations about the teens’ increasing use of Facebook as an integral part of their social life. A high percentage of people have Facebook. But what causes these people to join this worldwide social network? I was determined to find out.

Every day after school, I go home, eat, do my homework, and go on Facebook. I would stay on the Internet, wandering around the world of Facebook for hours and I could never log off. This is a common habit for most teenagers who are addicted to Facebook like I am. But why are we so addicted to it?

Facebook is the perfect way to socialize with friend. If you have a friend that lives far away, what better way to instant message them. It’s just like talking in person but typed over a computer instead. I have a friend who lives in the United Kingdom. It is impossible to text throughout the day because of the long distance. So to make up for not being able to text, we chat over Facebook.

My problem about being on Facebook so much is reading everyone’s news feed. I read a funny status; of course I will have to like it.  I can find out where somebody is going, how somebody is feeling, what someone just did. I can basically find out what their plans are going to be by just going on my news feed.

But why do I read these status and comments? Is it because I am curious on what someone just did, or am I wondering why someone has so many likes on a status? Or do I just read it because it’s something to entertain me with?

Facebook is great ways to capture a moment and have my friends have a glimpse of that same moment. By creating photo albums, I can show your Facebook friends on how I spent my days. Photo Albums can show places where I went, what I did, and who I was with. Photo albums can show my status on my social life as well. Personally, I have just four albums on just my freshman year of high school. I like showing my friends what I did and what they missed out on for not being there. That’s what a lot of other teenagers like to do as well.

Facebook is also a great place to find any form of gossip. If there is a fight between friends, I just look at their wall for a few seconds and I can find their fights. If someone is going out, I just look at their relationship status. Facebook can show when they broke up too. This entertains me and that why I always check on my news feed for it. I know that I’m not the only one who does this too.

But the bad part about Facebook is that it’s also a great way to get negative gossip and information on a person. Someone can take a photo of a person they don’t like and Photoshop it in a negative way. If someone put up a scandalous picture, there will be conversations about it.  People can gossip about who someone socializes with, why they put up a certain status, if they look ugly in their default picture, and more. People can talk behind someone back in real life but pretend to be their friend on Facebook. This happens a lot and I experience this quit a few times.

What is very common on Facebook? Fake family list book. I can pretend to be married to my best guy friend and be my friend’s granddaughter on Facebook. But why do we do this? For entertainment of course! Can you have a nephew in real life if you don’t have siblings? No, but Facebook can allow you to have one.

Facebook is the new central entertainment for most people. Its how many people like to spend their free time and it’s a great way to socialize. A lot can happen on Facebook with just a click of a button.

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About the Contributor
Lauren Kreiss
Lauren Kreiss, Staff Reporter
Lauren Kreiss is 9 years young, and likes to spend her Saturday mornings rushing to McDonalds to buy a McMuffin. It's tradition. Her favorite color is green, and some say that she never talks at all. She likes to take long walks on the beach, and then she tends to push little kids in the water. She is super tall at the height of about 8 feet and 9 inches. Mickaela Rivera makes fun of her a lot because shes super jealous of her long lucious toe nails. Most people tend to make fun of her laugh because it sounds like a dying hyena. In the meantime, she is also an incoming sophmore. She enjoys playing on the volleyball team and in the winter she does basketball. She loves to hang out with her friends and tends to speak Spanish alot. She tends to laugh at her own jokes most of the time and you will never see her without a smile on her face. Lauren Kreiss can be reached by e-mailing [email protected]

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  • F

    FrankieOct 14, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    Students find facebook addicting because it is an informal way of sharing information, that without it one would most likely not share.Facebook is a great way of sharing information without it being awkward. Some might argue it only brings forth unwarranted knowledge, nonetheless with it being so informal; information can be posted without feeling guilty. Facebook user might post a picture of themselves with their family that is aimed for their family members to view, without them necessarily expecting a respond like they would from an email. Sometimes when I receive pictures via email from my family I do not know what to respond, therefore I respond something cliché which could seem not sincere, though it is. Not being formal in some situations is best; with facebook that is a place you can send those messages.  Facebook is the best place to share knowledge when one has time on their hands. It can easily be seen most student because it can be the most affordable way to keep in touch. It is true people use it for connivance. Kreiss mentions she used it as a source to keep in contact with her friend in the United kingdom because talking over cell phones is too expensive. Other sources of communication have a high price, for simplicity and frugalness, facebook can be used. On the other hand,  Kreiss also say, “Every day after school, I go home, eat, do my homework, and go on Facebook. I would stay on the Internet, wandering around the world of Facebook for hours and I could never log off”. It can be inferred from that she goes on facebook when she is done with her primary priorities like homework. Not necessarily applying to the author, people will tend to go on Facebook when they have time on their hands. Facebook is just another form of entertainment. The article mentions that people will go on facebook to hear the latest gossip. Facebook has become a way to pass time because it does not usually provide something worthwhile that cannot be found on a more reliable source.

  • C

    Connor SullivanOct 14, 2011 at 1:26 pm

    (This is for a class)
    Facebook is a horrible way to socialize. For one, nobody is their true self. A facebook profile is nothing but an image that someone portrays to others, whether purposely not. No one is going to post a picture of themselves that they don’t like, and in real life, people can’t choose how others see them or the mental image they have. Also, communicating through statuses and instant messaging removes the personal effect of communication, making what you say have less of an impact and therefore less important. When there’s a spark of gossip, Facebook is like a dried out forest soaked in gasoline, and you’re right in the middle of it. Of course, even I have a facebook, but that’s simply because it’s convenient. Everone wants to know what’s going on, but when you’re halfway through your gym partner’s cousin’s sophmore photo album, then that’s Facebook being taken way too far. In all, Facebook is not as much of a giant leap in mankind as it is just another way to think you’re actually comunnicating. And don’t trust the apps, they sell all your information to advertisers.