Molly Cunningham , Staff Reporter
Molly Cunningham is a first year Clarion staff reporter but has never been too far away from publications. As the writing editor for Rouser (the yearbook) during her sophomore year and first year on staff, Molly has always written something. During her hardest year of true determination and grit, Molly prevailed during her junior year as the c0-editor-in-chief of Rouser and the co-president of the Association of Students for Tolerance. Senior year should be awesome as Molly will spend her day writing for Clarion and being the writing editor again for Rouser, writing for the Chicago Tribune’s Teen Edition: The Mash, tutoring the young children with NHS, and hanging out with old people daily at her job as a food server at a Plymouth Place Retirement Community and at British Home every Wednesday with AST.
Molly herself is secretly an old person and fits nicely in with “the olds” because she does not understand the modern ways of teenagers and their “hip hops”, their weird dancing, and why people keep asking her where she is. Molly, in addition, is British royalty from eras ago and has a direct link to the Queen, who is her best friend. Molly regularly babysits for Prince George and has tea with Kate Middleton and Pippa.
Molly is excited to keep writing and partying with the Queen and can be reached at